Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday 9

Inspired by "One Gal's Musings," I'm doing this meme today.

1. Do you enjoy going to a casino now and again?
No. Too loud, and I never win when I try to gamble. I'd rather go to a show.

2. What makes you happy most of the time?
A clear, clear day in San Francisco, the sound of the ocean, my dogs...

3. Are you jealous of someone right now?

4. You're stranded on a desert island with one fictional character. Who is it? Why?
Kay Scarpetta. She's clever, she's interesting, she'd probably be a great survivalist, she's a great cook...and I'd like to ask her why she let Patricia Cornwell change her character so much.

5. Have you ever been in the emergency room? If yes, for what (most recently)?
Many times when my kids were growing up, for myself only once in 2003, when I fell over the handlebars on my bike during a charity ride and dislocated my shoulder.

6. Where is the last place you drove to just for fun?
I drove to Sacramento (20 miles from here) to have lunch with a friend, and then since the day was so beautiful, I drove out into the country for a little ways just for the heck of it.

7. If you were to make your living as a photographer, what would love to shoot?
I love photographing so many things, primarily small children and dogs. But I love to take nature pictures and just anything that happens to catch my eye at the moment.

8. Tell us about a band you like that we might not have heard.
Anybody who has read my blog for any length of time knows about the band Lawsuit, but for those who have not...enjoy...

(Sorry the quality isn't great...but it may grow on you)

9. Where was the last place you went shopping?
I went to SaveMart to buy milk and coffee creamer for my mother

1 comment:

Kwizgiver said...

I love your fictional character answer. That is a great question--why/how the character changed.