Monday, December 28, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I know how Dexter felt. We got to my mother's house around 7 and he raced back and forth, back and forth, leaped in the air, chased his tail, jumped up on the couches, down onto the floor, into my lap, back onto the floor, up and down the hall, and then out to the kitchen to get some water.

Our day had started early, with Joe's big pot of oatmeal, then Alice Nan decided to call Nora, in Ireland, so we could all talk with her. There is no such thing as a brief chat with Nora. We all gathered around the telephone to get all the latest family news.

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But Jeri and I had an important date with Ms. Brianna on the other side of town, so while the others continued to listen to Nora, Jeri and I waved goodbye and slipped out of the house, neatly avoiding "Hour Baur"

Brianna was happy to see Dexter again.

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She cried when Mommy tried to get her to put on her new tutu and show us how she can dance, but she was very excited to show us how she can throw the pink football that she got from Santa.

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(She also has a number of football terms in her vocabulary, like "touchdown," "first down," and a few others)

We got back in the car and drove as far as San Luis Obispo, where Dexter had a rest stop and Jeri and I got lunch at the Apple Farm, one of my favorite restaurants on the road to Santa Barbara.

As we drove up the road, we listened to music that some of Jeri's students had submitted for a competition. It was fun listening together and discovering that for most of the songs we both had the same idea. Some were very good, a couple were very bad and most were kind of middle of the road. But the time passed quickly.

In Gilroy we stopped for gas and another rest stop for everybody, then back on the road for the last leg. We took the back way into San Francisco, since I'd heard a radio report that there was a bad back-up to the Golden Gate Bridge. We made it all the way to my mother's with no bad traffic at all.

By the time we stopped at my mother's, we were all ready to get out of the damn car for awhile! It was just so funny watching Dexter's glee at realizing that he wouldn't have to stay in one place and that he didn't have to wear a leash in this house, as he did in Alice Nan's house after he peed once.

We stayed for dinner and then Dexter and I got back on the road yet again. This time Dexter had to ride in the dog crate, but after protesting for a few minutes, he just did what he'd been doing all day--went back to sleep.

It was hard to tell who was happier when we got here to Davis, Dexter for finally being free, free, FREE! or Sheila and Lizzie for having us home again. Lizzie just lay on my chest and kept sighing. She and Dexter also played together for a long time--I think they were even happy to see him back home again!

Tonight I will sleep back in my recliner and I intend to SLEEP and make up for all the sleep I missed this week.

It was really a very nice Christmas, but it's oh so nice to be home!

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