Thursday, September 10, 2009

Well Traveled

For puppies who are barely weeks old, these guys have done a lot of traveling.

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They went to the France/Italy reunion party and today was the second time they have been to my mother's. It's handy having a carrying cage around.

Today was the day my mother was to see the cardiologist to follow up on the "weak spot" that was found on her heart during her stress test. I packed up the puppies and got on the road by 7:30. I ran the risk of rush hour traffic, but things actually were pretty good and I got down to her house in time to have a cup of coffee before leaving for the doctor's.

The report is all good. He says he doesn't see any indication that she is going to "die prematurely from a heart attack." She told him it was too late to "die prematurely" of anything! The nurse was appropriately aghast at my mother's age and asked her several times if she was really 90. I honestly don't know why my mother hates going to the doctor--it's got to be such an ego trip for her!

The puppies were ready to eat by the time we got home. I took the two "difficult eaters," Eliza and Freddie, while my mother fed Higgins.

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Then we put them back in the carrier and went off to lunch at the nearby golf club, to which my mother had been given two gift certificates. My "crab melt" was too large to finish, so I had them pack up half of it so I could take it home for dinner...and then left it in my mother's refrigerator!

When we got home, I decided to take a nap, because I'd had a difficult time staying awake on the drive down. I ended up sleeping two hours, waking up just in time to feed the puppies again. They were clamoring to get out of the carrier, so I just opened the door and they all tumbled out. My mother was amazed to see how much larger than Freddie Higgins is.

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Freddie reacted to her observations by pooping on her rug.

When they all finished eating, I packed them back in the carrier and we headed home. One of them (I suspect Higgins) cried all the way home. I didn't understand why, since they all had full tummies, until I got home and discovered that their bedding was urine-soaked. They don't usually pee that much, so I had never thought of that. They were very happy to be back in their own bed again, once home.

Today they are three weeks old. All three have opened eyes and ears. Higgins has front teeth and you can feel teeth wanting to come throughout his jaw. Eliza has teeth that are about to pop through. Freddie doesn't seem to have teeth that far along. Eliza is the first one to learn how to growl and bark. Last night while they were waiting to be fed, she started batting at Freddie and then growled at him and tried to bite in his direction. Another few days, they should all be learning how to play--and probably sometime in the next week I'll start offering them solid food. Maybe Freddie will like that better than he does a bottle!

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